Friday, May 22, 2020

Studying Abroad Free Essay Example, 1500 words

Studying abroad, students meet not only the representatives of the culture in which they study, but also other foreign students, who are also far from home. Studying abroad help students learn more about their own personality. Students who studied abroad, come back home with new ideas and prospects concerning themselves and their own culture. Experience abroad often makes them reconsider their beliefs and values. Meeting other cultures allows students to look at their own culture differently. Studying abroad expands the students’ outlook. Many people, especially those from the developing counters, are, as a rule, not informed about the world outside their country. Students who study abroad come back home more informed and with much less prejudiced attitude towards other cultures and the people. â€Å"Students can develop new perspectives on academic subjects and real-world issues, achieve proficiency in a foreign language, experience personal growth, and develop valuable car eer skills† (Spiering and Erickson 315). Studying abroad gives the students the chance to escape from the students’ routine. Studying abroad is much distinctive from what that they got used to do in their homeland. They can get acquainted with absolutely new academic system, and have an opportunity to learn the material, which is not offered by the program in their country. We will write a custom essay sample on Studying Abroad or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now It is also a fine opportunity to escape from monotony and routine that they go through every semester. And, certainly, studying abroad raises the possibilities of employment. According to employers, students who studied abroad are more purposeful, independent, is ready to face challenges, able to cope with various problems and situations. The experience of life and study in others country and knowledge of foreign language makes such students distinguished among other applicants. Moreover, for those who already have a degree, studying abroad can increase its value and give good language skills. Table 2 shows the results of the study conducted by Kerri Spiering and Sheri Erickson: â€Å"only four out of 28 (14%) respondents indicated the cost of study abroad as too high. While many often assume that the high cost of study abroad is deterring students from pursuing such opportunities, perhaps this statistic shows otherwise. In fact, the majority of st udent respondents (49% of those studying abroad and 46% of those choosing not to study abroad) indicated that although the cost was high, study abroad opportunities were worth pursuing.

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